Our team is based at The University of Manchester, and ANSTO.
Will Fletcher
The University of Manchester
Will is a senior lecturer in physical geography who is the project lead, and palaeoecology study lead for this project. Will has a background in Quaternary palaeoecology and palynology in the Mediterranean.
Profiles: University of Manchester Research Profile | ORCID ID
Contact: will.fletcher@manchester.ac.uk
Phil Hughes
The University of Manchester
Phil is a professor in physical geography who is geomorphology lead for this project. Phil has a background in geomorphology and glaciation during the Quaternary in the Mediterranean.
Profiles: University of Manchester Research Profile | ORCID ID
Contact: philip.hughes@manchester.ac.uk
Benjamin Bell
The University of Manchester
Ben is a post-doctoral researcher, who is working on the glacial geomorphology and palaeoclimate modelling for this project, and assisting with the palaeoecology study. Ben has a background in palaeoecology and palaeoclimate, and palynology geochemistry.
Profiles: University of Manchester Research Profile | ORCID ID
Contact: benjamin.bell@manchester.ac.uk
Website: https://www.benjaminbell.co.uk
Henk Cornelissen
The University of Manchester
Henk is a PhD candidate, who is working on the palaeoecology study for this project. Henk has a background in palaeoecology and palaeoclimate.
Profiles: Research Gate Profile | ORCID ID
Contact: henk.cornelissen@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
David Fink
David is a senior principal research scientist, who is the project advisor and will lead on the radiocarbon and cosmogenic dating. David has a background in accelerator mass spectrometry, geomorphology, glaciers and palaeoclimate.
Profiles: ANSTO Staff Profile | ResearchGate Profile
Contact: david.fink@ansto.gov.au
Project Partners
Ali Rhoujjati
Université Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech University)
Ali is a professor at Université Cadi Ayyad, working on environmental change. Ali is our project partner and advisor in Morocco.
Profiles: Research Gate Profile